Life Groups

A Family that Grows Together: Life groups are smaller communities where we spend time together.

Let the message about the Messiah dwell richly among you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God.  - Colossians 3:16

Focus on Knowing God

We encourage adults to use this time to grow spiritually. Check out the different Activity Groups & Bible Study groups taking place. Another great resource is the RightNow Media for a video curriculum.

Life Groups

Bible Reading Plans for 2024

The Whole Bible in a Year on YouVersion Bible App:

Would you like to read through or listen to The Bible in a year? This Plan will lead you through the Old Testament and then the New Testament in one year. Each book includes daily videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with God's Word. Click here for the specific details.  If you are have any questions, email Justin

Dinners for Eight 

Location: Chosen by the 8 people for each dinner.
Led by Jim & Withera Duncan (Contact the church office for more information about signing up.)

In Dinners for 8 we gather at each other's homes or meet at a restaurant once a month to share a meal together. These are meals for 8 people and the people in the groups rotate so that you get to know new people. It is a great time connecting with one another and a fun way to form new friendships.

The Bible Recap YouVersion Online- Men and Women

Women's Led by Peg Helland

Men's Led by Greg Helland

This online app-based Bible Study is very flexible and fits all schedules. This group studies a variety of Biblical Topics as they post their reflections and encouragement in an online group forum. First download the appropriate device: The Bible App for All Devices. Please email:  Men Contact Greg and Women Contact Peg; to be added to the current study.

Women's Group - Tuesday 9:30 am

Location: Activity Center -Room A2
Led by Carol Bedell

This women's groups study various books of the Bible and shares life with one another. Join us!

Ladies Group - 1/4 Tuesday 4 pm

Location: Noralee Willard's Residence
Led by Tambi Loyd

We will pray together, encourage one another, and learn more about the life and teaching of Jesus through the Chosen Series. 

Discipling Group - Tuesday 6:30 pm 

Location: Alavazo Residence
Led by George & Vicky Alavazo

Join us as we share a meal together, study God’s word, and deepen as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are welcome!

Young Adults - Tuesday 6:00 pm 

Location: Youth Room
Led by Dan and Crystal Bates

This group of high school grads through 30 is a group that gathers together to have fun, make friends and grow in their walk with God. We would love to have you join us.

Old Guys Rule - Wednesday 9:30 am

Location: Activity Center - Room A2
Led by Dave Blicharz

This group of men study a variety of Biblical books and topics and sharpens one another through their relationships with one another.

Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Study-Thursdays 6:30 pm

Location: Fireside Room Led by Dave Blicharz

This is a group of men seeking to grow in the likeness of Christ thorough Bible Study, Scripture Memory, Practicing Spiritual Practices and Serving Others

Entire Bible Chapter by Chapter - Wednesday 6:00 pm

Location: Fireside room at the Church
Led by Carolyn Ritchie

This co-ed group is open to all. This group is an ongoing chapter by chapter study through the Bible. 

Moms on a Mission - Wednesday 6:00 pm

Location: Activity Center - Room A2

This is a group of moms that meet during the Kid & Youth programs. The moms join together to study the Bible, share life and encourage one another.  You will be cared for, included and appreciated. These ladies love God and want to encourage others to love Him as well.

Couples Group - Thursday 2:30 pm

Location: Rotates between the homes of members
Led by Shared Facilitation

We rotate locations and share facilitation of the group. We study various books of the Bible and Biblical topics. We enjoy meeting together to talk, laugh, pray and share life together.

Activity & Topical Groups

Financial Peace University - Seasonal 

Location: LPC Youth Room
Led by Scott & Jody Graham 

Cost: $80 (Scholarships available based upon need)

A new class typically starts on January 7th 2024. This class meets 9 times. The cost is $80.00, (scholarships are available as needed). This is a proven program that will help you find financial freedom in your life.   For more information click here.

Hula for Health - Monday 6:30 pm

Location: Agape Hall at the Church
Led by Vicky Alavazo

This is a Hula group that gathers to express praise though Hula dance. We also learn and play the Ukulele. All skill levels welcome.

Quilting Ministry - Tuesday 12 noon

Location: Fireside at the Church
Led by Barbara Hungerford & Charlotte Doisy

This group creates Scripture quilts to bring joy and life to the spirit of others. Only basic sewing skills are needed to join this group. The will show you how to nest your points and stitch in the ditch!

Men's Basketball - Tuesday 8  pm

Location: Activity Center
Led by Dan Bates

Come join us for some pick-up basketball on Tuesday nights in our full-court gym.

Knit Whits - Wednesday 12  noon

Location: Morefield Home
Led by Barbara Morefield

We knit for charity, learn new knitting techniques, and share friendship with one another. We have a devotional and support one another. 

Pickleball - Thursday 6:30 pm

Location: Activity Center
Led by John Johnson

Join us on one of our three pickleball courts for some fun playing together. All skill levels welcome.

We have a variety of groups, from social based, activity based, & Bible- Study based groups. 

There are a variety of groups that take place, on & off campus. Our desire is that everyone who is part of LPC would be part of a life group. Please contact Justin Linscheid, for any questions about life groups.

If there is a group that you would like to start, let us know. Please contact Justin Linscheid, to discuss the details and steps to becoming a group leader.