June 12, 2022 5:45pm
Address: Lincoln Presbyterian Church | Stockton, 900 Douglas Rd, Stockton, CA US 95207
Cost: $15.00
Contact: Heidi Verheyden e
Our annual VBS is a Mission: Deep Sea theme! The kids will be diving deep into what it means to be a follower of Christ. We will jump into a night filled with dancing, Bible stories, games, crafts, Missionary stories and more! June 12th-15th from 5:45pm-8pm each day on the LPC church campus! Kids will get a theme shirt and dinner will be available from 5:20-5:40 pm.
All kids Grades Prek-6th can sign up. $15 Registration fee can be paid online here or bring it with you on June 12.
Registration is Closed
Check out our other summer events!