Daily Devotional

The Living God

by Justin Linscheid on March 27, 2024

Our God is in the heavens,
    and He does as He wishes.
Their idols are merely things of silver and gold,
    shaped by human hands.
They have mouths but cannot speak,
    and eyes but cannot see.
They have ears but cannot hear,
    and noses but cannot smell.
They have hands but cannot feel,
    and feet but cannot walk,
    and throats but cannot make a sound.”

Psalm 115

The God of the Bible is a living God. He is not made by humans. He can see, speak, hear, touch, smell, feel, move. He is everywhere at once and all powerful and that is astounding. Yet He is very personal, detailed, observant, aware, present. The Bible highlights the foolishness of trusting in things like idols that have no abilities. They cannot see, so how can they give you vision? They cannot hear, so how can they hear your heart?  They cannot touch, so how can they hold you in a comforting embrace? They cannot walk, so how can they meet you where you are?

John 1:1 tells us, “We proclaim to You the One who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw Him with our own eyes and touched Him with our own hands.” The Bible tells us of a living God, Jesus Christ. He entered our world because He saw our needs. He touched the sick and brought healing. He heard the cries of the broken and brought restoration. He died upon the cross because He knows our needs. And He rose again from the dead because He is the living God.

Whatever you are facing today, believe that God sees you, knows you, hears you, watches over you, is with you, because He is the living God. “O people of God, trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield” (Psalm 115:9).

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