Daily Devotional

Shout for Joy

by Harry Ulep on January 16, 2024

"My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have delivered."  Psalms 71:23

When singing out worship songs, what comes to mind? For some, they are captured by the beauty in the melodic composition. For others, it is the lyrics and the meaning behind them. And some simply just seeing the song because it is familiar and it’s something that they have memorized.

As I prepared for a reflective solo at one of our recent services, I thought through this very question for myself. When I am asked to lead a worship song or sing during a time of reflection, what is my process? My desire is to always take a song, see the original intention behind the song, the scriptural truths behind the lyrics, learn the melody, and then finally sing it with intentionality and authenticity. I reflect on the song to see what God is speaking through the song into my life and into the life of others singing as well. I never want a song of praise to be glorifying myself or anyone other than God. Rather, may every worship song, like our lives, reflect our faith in the One who has delivered us, loved us, showed grace to us, and so much more. May we sing with joy because of the one to whom we are singing, the only One worthy of the worship and praise.

As we include worship in our daily spiritual disciplines, may we not lose sight of what's behind the heart of worship music. Rather than just singing another lyric or another melody, may we sing with intentionality and a heart remembering who the worship is to. Through the words and the melody, may we find the scriptural truths and very heart of worship. May our lips shout for joy when we sing praises to Him who has delivered us.

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