Daily Devotional


by Jon Hathorn on April 16, 2024

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28

I have a favorite season of the year. It’s the Fall. I love it for all the heat is gone, plus high school and college football games are my favorite thing to watch on TV. My least favorite is Winter. I used to love the rain and the cold, because it was fun to watch people trying to avoid the wet weather and have funny looks on their faces when rain would go down their back. Now I am one of those people.  

My wife loves the spring and she points out the flowering trees and buds. I realized a few years ago that I am probably much more attentive and a blessing to her when I mention the first couple of buds on the trees.

Regardless of your favorite season, there is a wonder of the cycles of life that God engineered into our world. Now I am not ready to start singing “Circle of Life” from The Lion King. But there is something to it.

Each season has a purpose. Here’s the thing about seasons, especially the seasons of our life, you never know how long they’ll last. They’re beyond our control. They’re also rather confusing. You may not understand what’s going on. Seasons include good and bad. But here’s what I know to be true. What I sow in one season, I’ll reap in another. So, don’t hate the seasons of your life.  Learn, observe, grow, adapt, find joy, anticipate the future, and always remember God has a purpose for you and me in each season of life.

(Many of these words and ideas are from friend Bob Lehman)

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