Daily Devotional


by Justin Linscheid on March 04, 2024

When two people dance together and their movements are so fluid and in sync, it can be said they are moving as one.

When a team coordinates their efforts and works harmoniously to accomplish a shared goal, they can be said to be moving as one unit.

When various members of a family love one another dearly and have shared memories, experiences, plans, and values, they are one family and even share a name.

In John 14:20 Jesus said, “On that day you will realize that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” What Jesus seems to be describing here is a profound level of unity and intimacy with God.

What will this look like for you this day? How will you coordinate your movements, thoughts, actions, plans, to be one with God?

We have a distinct identity apart from God. He is not us and we are surely not Him. And yet, there is a profound oneness that Jesus desires for us to have with Him. Us in Him and He in us.

This is a deep and mystical union with God in Christ that is meant to manifest itself in our thoughts, actions, feelings, plans.

Because sin is so second-nature to us in this world, our independence from God can feel quite natural and the concept of being united with Him can seem foreign. And yet we were created for just the opposite to be true. We were created to be in sync, in harmony, in union with God in an abiding and never-ending relationship.

And so, as you live this day, take a moment to pause. Pray. Confess. Draw near to God. Experience Him drawing near to you. You were made for close relationship with God. Ask Him, “How can I live this day in unison with You? Help me, Holy Spirit, to walk in step with You and to abide in Christ today. May I move as one with You.”

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