Daily Devotional

New Beginnings

by Sandy Parker on January 29, 2022

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!"  2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

It’s the start of a new year, which for many can mean a new start, a new beginning.  A do-over.  Many of us make a New Year’s resolution all intent to do better, be better, be happier, healthier, and even more in control.  We are often glad to put the past year behind us and look forward to a new, brighter, better one.  Unfortunately by February, as life unfolds the way it does, we often forget all about our resolution. 

My New Year’s resolution is to help all my friends gain ten pounds so I look skinnier.

Perhaps one of the reasons we fail is that we are trying to do it all in our own strength. Perhaps we never even asked God what He has for us, what He wants from us.  It’s too easy to place God on the shelf while working and striving to figure it out all on our own, and toiling to make it happen.  It’s often not until it becomes too hard, impossible even, that we remember to bring God into the equation.

Often, then when we do bring Him into the equation, we don’t recognize His intervention.  1 Chronicles 16:11 tells us to “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually!”  Nothing is too big or too small for God and we must remember to consult Him in everything.  It seems that we often have short memories.  This reminds me of the Israelites in the wilderness.  God helped them, provided for them, delivered them, redeemed them, yet they constantly grumbled and complained.  Although they were promised sanctuary, freedom, and total provision; and although God gave them sanctuary, freedom, and total provision, they lost faith and doubted God’s love for them.  They often could not even recognize when God was moving on their behalf.  They had their own ideas of what His provision should look like… steak and lobster? God sent manna instead. 

I am just like the Israelites.  I too forget all that God has done for me.  I have expectations and desires for my life, and then I don’t recognize when God is working and moving in it.

Here we are at the beginning of 2022, a new year, a new beginning.  Lord, this year, help me to seek You and Your strength first.  Help me to seek Your presence continually that I may recognize Your voice and know that the manna You sent is meant to sustain me, strengthen me, and is for my good.  Let me look to You for all things and not trust in my own understanding of how I think things ought to go.  Thank You for this new year, for a new beginning.  May I give you glory and praise always.  Amen.

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