Daily Devotional

Merry Christmas

by Fred Jantz on December 24, 2022

Christmas Day is almost here. The 2022 edition is ready to be celebrated. I really love Christmas. I may complain about traffic, lines in the grocery store, decorating with lights that cannot be fixed, travel headaches and silly TV specials… but I still love Christmas.

I love it because the reason for the season cannot be hidden or minimized by all the silliness of human behavior. Sooner or later the essence of the day rises like a huge mountain on our horizon. It is really hard to miss.

I love the music of Christmas… the REAL music of the season. I sort of ignore the alternative music that focuses on mistletoe, Rudolph and his red nose and a plump older guy with a bag of gifts. The real music of Christmas is so profound. No matter what the style, from the classical MESSIAH, to the long-standing Hymns, to contemporary expressions of the incarnation… it is so profound and I love it. The music is a special gift to the broken people of this world… including you and me.

I especially love the text in Luke 2…

  1. The glory of the Lord shines upon the recipients of good news. V.9
  2. Good news was delivered… not good advice. Not once upon a time as in fairy tales, but real history, real time, real people. V.10
  3. This good news is for ALL the people… no favorites, no discrimination. ALL.
  4. A Savior has come… His credentials are Christ the Lord v. 11 This Savior will be called “Jesus” because He will save us from our sins. Wow, He does know what we all really need. This is the best Christmas gift any person could wish for. We love Him because He first loved us.
  5. No wonder a multitude joins the angels in PRAISING God. V.14

This is what I and my family want to experience again as we celebrate. We read the facts of the real Christmas in Luke and Matthew. We SING the songs about Jesus. We PRAY… and give thanks to our Savior and Lord. IT TRULY IS A GREAT DAY. Merry Christmas to all.

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