Daily Devotional

Just Like Us

by Justin Linscheid on January 19, 2022

Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years! Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops.”  James 5:17-18

Recently while studying the book of James with the young adult group in our church, I was reminded of a life-altering verse from the book of James.

Elijah, a great prophet of the Old Testament, was a human just like us- he got afraid; he got discouraged; he had a sinful nature; he was a normal person! Yet, by God’s power, He did amazing things:

Elijah called down fire from Heaven

Elijah prayed powerfully enough to change the weather

God used Elijah to miraculously multiply oil for a widow in need

Elijah was used by God to divide the waters of the Jordan river

Elijah prayed and a child was raised from the dead

Elijah lived an amazing life taking part in God’s work here on Earth

It is all too easy to put someone like that on a pedestal. It’s easy to look into the Bible and think I’m no Moses, I’m no Elijah, I’m no John the Baptist. But James’ point is - yes you are! These men were no different than you! They were human just like you. Yet don’t try to be Elijah. Don’t try to replicate his calling. Just be you. God has a unique way He wants you to take part in His work in this world. And don’t think about in terms of your strength or might, but in terms of His mighty presence working though you. God’s presence is the only reason Elijah’s life had any power.

We all too often look at a circumstance in light of what we can do instead of in light of what God can do through us. Pray for miracles like Elijah and believe God for what He can do. Don’t let fear steal away your faith. Don’t let a lack of confidence steal away what God is capable of. Live expecting God to use you in amazing ways; don’t limit God; trust Him; Remember, Elijah was human just like us.

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