Daily Devotional

Jonah Shelter in Place

by Jon Hathorn on June 06, 2020

"But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights." Jonah 1:17

My wife Bev loves fish. All kinds of fish.  I am pretty sure she could have fish every day of the week, almost every day of the month and probably 340 times a year.  You should see the smile on her face when it is served. It doesn't matter if it's Tilapia, Mahi Mahi, Salmon - she enjoys them all.  Now while I say that, I can say in great confidence that she would rather fish in her mouth and stomach, than for her to be in the mouth or belly of a fish.  Jonah had an incredible Shelter in Place in the belly of a whale.  Why - he needed a lesson.  Why else - he had a job to do and he needed more education and motivation.  God used Jonah's shelter place to literally get Jonah going in the right direction.  When Jonah was asked to take the message to Nineveh, he got on a boat going in the opposite direction.  Jonah got an education about the almighty power of God, and he had an experience of God's provision.  He got an understanding of darkness and turmoil  During Jonah's shelter in place we hear about calling to God in distress (chapter 2:2) and about clinging to worthless idols (chapter 2:8).  God can use the time of Shelter of Place to bring us to the almighty throne of God.  The other amazing thing that happened through Jonah's Shelter in Place, is the working in Jonah's life took him to Nineveh to proclaim the truth of God's judgement.  The result was the greatest revival the world had ever known.  God uses Shelter in Place - let's not miss it.

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