Daily Devotional

I Will Be With You

by Frank Beasley on September 26, 2020

"But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.'” Matthew 14:27

A few years ago, while our daughter was living in San Diego, she was diagnosed with kidney disease and placed on a kidney transplant list. This was very hard as she was living and working in San Diego, while her mom and I were living in Stockton. This was about the time we changed churches and found a family of loving and supportive friends that made all the difference.
Eventually our daughter moved home and we started to try to transfer her to the UC Davis transplant center which was much closer. This is about the time things start to get weird, so to speak. Aside from the people at church praying for her, other people, like a cashier at Target, said not good luck or
best wishes but I’ll pray for you. A person we were dealing with at UC Davis said she was glad people were praying for her and she knew that prayer helped. An older couple who was at one of the UC Davis transplant meetings stopped by where we were sitting and asked if they could pray for us. It caught me off
guard, but I said sure and it was a wonderful prayer.

UC Davis didn’t work out so we rushed down to San Diego and checked into a hotel by the transplant center. The transplant was scheduled for the following week. We stayed in that hotel for about two months and it seemed like every day or two God would somehow show up through other people. Be it at the hospital, Dr.’s office, the hotel or the stand where I bought coffee, someone was offering to pray. We received calls and cards from
family and friends from church, as well as calls from the pastor to pray with us before the surgery. Our daughter also was sent a beautiful quilt from the church quilting group. That gesture was very supportive.

It seems like every time we turned around or started feeling stressed, God found some way to say, "Peekaboo I’m still here" and that made all difference. Aren't you glad He's always there. Another verse that speaks to this is - "For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13 

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