Daily Devotional

Ask Your Questions

by Ilana Ferguson on July 14, 2023

"When He was alone, the Twelve and the others around Him asked Him about the parables. He told them, 'The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables.'"  Mark 4:10-11

For some time growing up, I felt like I had to bring polished thoughts and prayers to God.  I knew that He already knew my thoughts, and what's in my heart, but I felt that I could still shield some things from Him.  I remember thinking as a child and young teenager, 'I won't pray about that until I have better words for it, understand it or have nice words for it.'  But one of the great things about God is that we can bring our half-thoughts, ponderings, and questions!  He isn't fazed by them, and actually encourages us to do so.  When I truly started to understand this, I felt challenged - God already knows my questions - don't I want to hear His answers?

When the disciples were with Jesus and He started to teach in parables, they didn't understand everything He was saying to the crowds - even though they were on 'the inside'.  At one point, they sought out Jesus and asked Him what He meant!  Jesus doesn't answer in exasperation, but He instead rewards their searching by saying to YOU has been given the secret of the kingdom of God - what a response!  The more we seek and ask Jesus, the more is revealed to us.     

Where do you need insight or understanding in your life right now?  Write down your questions and spend some time praying and listening for the insight and perspective God wants to give you.  God desires a relationship with us - just like any friendship, we must ask questions and spend time with another person to know them more.  I encourage you to seek the Lord today!

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