Daily Devotional

Answering the Call

by Fred Jantz on January 11, 2023

“It was Jesus who said: ‘You are My witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’" Acts 1:8

There are many directives in the Scriptures. These directives tell us how to live by guiding us in our thoughts, and in our actions. The goal of being a disciple of our Lord is to listen to what I am told and then begin to act on it. Sometimes that is easy and sometimes it is hard.

The apostle Paul was as obedient to the directive in Acts 1:8 as anyone I have ever heard of. He says that as long as he is being a witness and telling people about his Lord, then nothing else matters. Bring on crude jokes, jesting, mobs, shipwrecks, beatings, and prison. It is worth it all.

He goes and does whatever the 'spirit of Jesus' directs him. That is why he went to Europe instead of staying in Turkey. He heard the voice that said, "Come and help us." Acts 16:9

This past year I too heard that voice from the Lord. Once the plea came to me, I knew I had to report for duty. It meant coming out of retirement and carrying a responsibility I had left behind. But I said yes and agreed to serve as an interim senior pastor of a sister church in our ECO fellowship. Structure, deadlines, discipline, counseling, driving many miles and decision making were once again on my plate.

I prayed God would give me wisdom and the spirit of Jesus to help this congregation fulfill their witness in their city. We focused on:

  1. Biblical teaching that stimulated the mind and the spirit of the people.
  2. We committed ourselves to be unified in essentials; show liberty in non-essentials; and in all things show love.
  3. Demonstrate a problem-solving attitude that allowed us to focus on the challenge before us and make us a team.
  4. Imitate a spirit of joy and rejoicing just like the apostle Paul did in tough circumstances.
  5. Laugh and smile a lot....it is good medicine for an individual and also a church as a whole. There is joy in serving Jesus!!

We did not change the world or the city, but there was a positive change in the spirit of the people. The Lord Jesus brought healing to His people and their 'witness' became influential in a greater way.

As I finished up this assignment I got another request to come and teach a SS class in 2023. I knew it was the spirit of Jesus....and I said YES.

I know I am not alone in this walk of faith and I wonder if the Lord wants you to 'help’ and fulfill your calling as a follower of Christ? The new year is beginning, and this might be a great time to engage in meaningful service. I bet there is a special niche waiting for you....listen....pray.....and then say YES, Lord, I will serve You.

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