I was listening to Beth Moore speak about “Resetting the Compass.” We are so easily sent off course by the world around us. We need to come back to “north,” to the Lord, to the kingdom of heaven.
The third point in the talk was: “There’s no compass recalibration without joining Jesus in His compassion.” Beth Moore took us to Exodus 34. The lead into this section is Moses having received the 10 Commandments from the Lord only to come down the mountain to see a golden calf made by his brother Aaron. You may recall that Moses smashed the tablets in his anger. The Lord was no less furious. He was going to let the Israelites continue into the promised land, but He would not accompany them, because He might just kill them along the way. Moses pleads with the Lord, the Lord hears him, and He promises to continue to travel with His people.
Then Moses says to the Lord, “Now show me Your glory.” Ex 33:18. God does not respond in anger to Moses’ audacious request. Instead, He gives Moses instructions...you will sit here and I will walk by covering you, for you can only see My back. Ex 33:21-23
Here is the amazing part…The Lord passes by Moses PROCLAIMING, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness” Ex 34:6. The Lord announces Himself! He tells Moses exactly who He is.
I am guessing that is how He would describe Himself to us today. He is the same LORD. And He desires to be known, to be remembered, called upon, to be our true north. It is from the true north that we can properly see the east, west, and south; rather than looking to the north from somewhere else on the compass. The Lord did not desert the Israelites, and He will not desert you or me. He is compassionate and gracious. He hears you when you call, and He answers.
“For I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.’” Isaiah 41:13