Daily Devotional

Who Are You?

by Frank Beasley on October 28, 2022

"God said to Moses, 'I am Who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”  Exodus 3:14

I really don’t like job interviews. I haven’t gone on one for some time now and I don’t anticipate having to in the near future, but that’s really something I don’t like. I’m not good at selling myself. I’m not good at talking about myself and trying to explain myself or to make myself seem interesting. When the interviewer would ask, "Who are you?" Or tell us a little about yourself, I would break into a cold sweat and start to freeze up. I know some people are pretty good at this. It’s what my grandfather used to call the gift of gab. I wish there was a simple way to sum up who I am. A simple way of saying, “This is who I am, get over it”.

I started thinking about this when reading in Exodus about Moses‘s interview, meeting rather, with God at the burning bush. When Moses asked who are You or Who should I say sent me? God said, “I Am Who I Am”. Tell them “I Am has sent me to you”. Probably, if I were Moses I would be thinking, OK God that’s cute but really, Who are you?

But then, if you stop and think for a moment what power is in those two words, I Am. I can be a small I am. Like who is responsible for the mess in the living room, I am. Who is the one who washed the car, I am. Who is waiting for a scoop of ice cream, I am. Who is supposed to mow the lawn, that would be my brother, no I am. At an interview I can say I am this, or I am that, etc.  Some of which might be true, some almost true, and some wishfully true.

When God says “I Am” that’s a whole different matter. When you start to think about it, it can really boggle the mind. Who’s the knower of all things? Who is the creator of all things? Who is the planner of all things? Who is the lover of all things? Who is bigger than all things? Who provided the way for us to be closer and acceptable to Him? And God said “I Am”. Two small words, three little letters, that hold more power and more meaning than we can imagine. In everything God is, The Big, The Great I Am.

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