Daily Devotional

Warning: Servce May Include Suffering

by Marcos Schultz on June 26, 2024

Peter sure gives us something to wrestle with in 1 Peter 2:18-19 when we pokes holes and undermines everything we “know” about justice and fairness. 

“Go ahead and submit yourselves to your boss, or leader. 
Not just to the nice ones, but to the nasties as well. 
And, on top of that, respect them.
Cuz God really thinks it is cool when you, because of your love for Him, 
are willing to put up with vicious folks who rank above you. 
What’s the problem with a bit of torment, anyways?”
1 Peter 2.18-19 [MSV]

It reminds me of Paul in 1 Corinthians 6.7b-7c, writing about getting ripped off by another believer: “Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?”

This “upside-down” Gospel. Jesus didn’t treat us as we deserved. He treated us with grace and love. He served us, his enemies, by dying in our place. Oh, l like that part. But then he has to go and call us to do the same toward other people.

What a way to live!

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