Daily Devotional

Unfailing Love

by Justin Linscheid on July 20, 2024

“Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.” Psalm 6:4

Perhaps you find yourself in some measure of pain or discouragement. And perhaps at least part of it is your own doing- you did what you should not have or neglected to do what you should have done. You fell short and that can be painful. Maybe you feel there are many things coming against you. You are surrounded by “enemies.” The enemies of pain, illness, suffering, the problems of this world, or some of the people in it. You need to be delivered.

In Psalm 6:4 David cries out to the Lord for deliverance. As he cries out to Him, he acknowledges that the deliverance must come on the basis of God’s unfailing love and not on the basis of his performance. God hears the prayers of the imperfect because of His perfect love.

The Hebrew word hesed (חֶסֶד) is the steadfast love of a promise keeping God who cares for us not because we deserve it but because He is perfect in unfailing love. Draw near the Lord and cry out to Him not because you’ve earned it, but because of His unfailing love. 

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