Daily Devotional

Uncontrollably Good

by Justin Linscheid on June 14, 2024

Take a moment to watch this Superman clip:


I have not seen many of the latest superhero movies, but I do know that they are SUPER popular.

When I saw this clip, I could not help but see striking parallels to the life of Jesus.

He entered our world “from another planet”.

He desired to bring freedom and hope.

He scared those who could not fit Him into a mold that they could control.

They tried to restrain Him, but they could not.

Then comes the line from Superman: “You’re scared of me because you can’t control me. You don’t and you never will. But that doesn’t mean I’m your enemy.”

Many fear a God they cannot control. So, they try to restrain Him, pushing Him to the margins of their life or out of existence in their minds.

But think about this- if we could control God, as sinners, what would end up being dominant in our lives? Sin. We would squeeze God into the plan and pattern of our sin and remain stuck. And God knows we need freedom from sin. So, He enters our world as one who cannot be controlled. He enters our world as one unimaginably stronger than us. But from the words of Superman, “Just because you can’t control Him doesn’t mean that He is your enemy”.

We all need a hero. And as fun as superhero movies can be, those are not the heroes we need. We need a God who we cannot control. We need a God who is infinitely more powerful than us but One who uses His power for our good. We need Jesus. 

Prayer: God, please help me not to try to restrain and control you in my life with the result that I remain stuck in my sin. Help me to surrender to you so that I can experience true freedom and life with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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