“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6
In an event crafted to speak to the anxious heart, Jesus told His disciples to do the impossible: feed five thousand people. But the disciples could see only the impossibility. Did it occur to any of them to ask Jesus for help? The stunning answer is no!
Hard to believe, but honestly, can you relate? Think of a time when you faced a problem, large or small. It could be payment of a bill, health issues for a friend or loved one, an interpersonal problem that causes you to fixate and worry endlessly, a deadline that is looming ever closer, a child who is being bullied at school—the list could go on and on. Our tendency is to think first of what we can/should/must do to solve this problem. We worry about whether there is enough money to pay the bill, whether the doctor will do a good job, how to fix a broken relationship, what to do to meet the deadline, or how to protect the child you love.
The disciples had the audacity to tell the Creator of the world that there wasn’t enough money and nothing could be done. Then, as we know the ending of the story, a boy with a lunch was brought to Jesus and the day ended with twelve baskets of left-over food.
We face problems all the time- we have limited wisdom, energy, time and patience to solve them on our own. Jesus is always there, waiting patiently for us to acknowledge our limitations and awaken to His miracles that are wrought with a love and compassion only our Savior can bring. In light of this, author Max Lucado writes, “This time, instead of starting out with what you have, start with Jesus. Before you lash out in fear, look up in faith. Take a moment. Turn to Him for help.” (You Can Count on God, 365 Devotions by Max Lucado).
Dear Jesus, with the help of the Holy Spirit, may I turn to You first, knowing the certainty of Your love for me and Your power in all circumstances to work for good. I submit my day to You with love and a grateful heart. Amen