Daily Devotional

The Teacher

by Heidi Verheyden on December 02, 2020

"... like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things." Mark 6:34

While studying in college, I took many courses about how to be a teacher and help students to comprehend and understand the topic. There were so many strategies that we learned about classroom management - one of which was - hook-took-look. All these concepts have been great in helping shape me along the way as I have taught in classrooms, at youth events and at camps. The idea of being a "people oriented" teacher is more than passing on knowledge, it is about training a student in all areas of their life. It starts with the teacher having compassion and a desire to teach others to help them grow.

I had a college professor share about the methods of how Jesus taught, and it really gave me a new appreciation for teaching. The professor shared that it’s one thing to know the facts and it’s another to preach and teach what you believe. Christ on earth was an incredible teacher. He didn’t give the disciples a 50-question test that they needed to memorize. He taught them, modeled it for them, did it with them and then had them do it. This method of teaching is incredible! It allows the students to watch, interact and master the topic. It becomes part of who you are instead of something that you are memorizing. As I go about teaching my children, it is my prayer and desire that my faith will be something I am sharing, modeling, and parenting with my kids. So they will see it modeled in the same fashion as that of Christ.

By the end it doesn't feel like work, but a joy to discover and learn the topic. When we approach scripture and our faith, it is important to not look at it like a chore or something that we must do, but something that we get to do and learn from the greatest teacher. Jesus "The Master Teacher".

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