Daily Devotional

The Perfect Clay Pot

by Char Yurkovic on June 21, 2023

Recently in our Sunday School Class, The Good and Beautiful COMMUNITY, the book author, James Bryan Smith, spoke of the Clay Pot Church in South Africa. As a metaphor for their congregation, they use a clay pot that has been broken. As an act of faith in Jesus, all the shards are glued back together by the community, and the pot is whole again. The redeemed clay pot hosts a candle that when lit casts a radiant glorious light (2 Corinthians 4:7).

In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, the reference of clay pot is not casual. In Jeremiah 18/19 and Isaiah 30, God used the metaphor of the clay pot to warn Israel regarding the serious consequences of evil and corrupt behavior. For the Corinthians he gives the message of hope in Jesus and warnings too…a message passed on to us centuries later, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24 NIV).

Profound gratitude comes to mind as I consider the gifts and privileges, we often take for granted living here in America. Gratitude that we can worship freely. Gratitude that we can study scriptures and learn directly through the Holy Spirit about Jesus and our loving heavenly Father. Gratitude that we have a church family of believers and leaders to worship with and give praise. Gratitude that each of us are a broken clay pot redeemed and put back together perfectly with the love of Jesus sealing every crack and crevasse. Also, the blessed assurance that throughout life as the wear and tear of living causes a crack here and there, our heavenly Father made provisions for repair along the way (Titus 3:5). Thank you Jesus for our light that shines brightly with Your love. Amen.

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