My Dad got drafted into the Army when he was 20 years old. He was not planning on being in the Army, but after being drafted, he put his life on hold for a couple of years to serve our country. I am grateful for his service and the service of many others who have made sacrifices for our sakes.
I once asked my dad if he enjoyed being the Army. He said, “it was a million-dollar experience that I wouldn’t pay a dime to do again.” I laughed at that and saw his point. I saw how the military instilled in him values like discipline, perseverance, respect, authority, cleanliness, and service. I observed these and many other values in my dad throughout my childhood. What was a million-dollar experience for him became a million-dollar example to me, and thankfully I didn’t even need to pay the dime. I am thankful for his example and the examples of many others who have served our country selflessly.
I recently heard a veteran quote G.K. Chesterton saying, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
This made me think of Jesus Christ. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus came to this world to do battle because of His love for us. He laid aside the comforts of Heaven, putting His place in paradise on hold. He enlisted because of His love for us and served to the point of death on a cross. He was motivated by a desire to protect and win freedom for our sakes. Because of His victory we can be included in God’s family forever by faith in Jesus Christ.
On this Veteran’s Day, say a prayer of gratitude for those who have sacrificed for us. Many we don’t even know by name have laid aside comforts, put life on hold, and at times given their life entirely to serve us. I respect and admire their sacrifice. And while you are saying a prayer of thanks for our veteran’s, say a prayer of thanks for our war hero, Jesus Christ, who battled for our sake in love that we might by faith stand in His victory.