Daily Devotional

Start that Fire

by Harry Ulep on January 14, 2023

 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up”  Ephesians 4:11-12

Recently I had the chance to take a few students to a place called Top Golf in Roseville. It was an opportunity to build memories and relate to them but also a chance to be intentional about the ministry and how they can be a part of it. As we sat down to eat dinner, we began to talk about FCA and high school youth ministry. I began to ask questions like “what are you guys doing to grow in your faith?” and “what makes it hard to share your faith within your campus and friend groups?” And this last question we would discuss for a while, “what types of events would help and encourage you to invite your friends to church?”

As we talked about this idea of evangelism and bringing friends to church, I intentionally did less talking and more listening. I wanted to see the students take ownership of the idea rather than placing things that I would do onto them. To my surprise, one student would speak up immediately and raise up an event that they attended in the past. To see the excitement on his face when he thought about it, then to hear questions following about what it would take to put it on, how many students would help create that atmosphere, and how soon can we make something like this happen. He had a fire lit inside him to see ministry take place. And as I would answer all of his questions, all the students would begin brainstorming to themselves, who can we invite, what games can we play, how can we bring this excitement so that people want to come to church. Their conversations took off so much so that I didn’t have to say anything.

In that moment, I was amazed at what was starting to take place. I had the opportunity to equip these students, pour in little tidbits of advice and thoughts, and to see them with great enthusiasm brainstorming how to serve God and build up the body of Christ. It was no longer something that only I was imagining, but to see them empowered to use their gifts through their lives and want to reach people for Christ.

Sometimes it's easier to do things on our own because maybe we have experience in it, or its difficult and tedious to teach someone the process, or simply we don’t think that others would participate. But when we invite others in, when we take the time to equip them for the ministry and following the call that God has for them, we get the opportunity to see the same fire that is lit inside of us become a fire lit within someone else. To see others empowered to partner in ministry, to encourage them with the same excitement we have to build the body of Christ up, we begin to see lives changed for the kingdom of God. Don’t keep to yourself what God is doing in you. Equip others as we have been equipped, maturing one another for the ministry and edification of the body.

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