I came across this graphic I thought I would share. Personally, I don’t resonate with the term “excellence” as much because for whatever reason in my mind it sounds a little close to perfectionism for me, but to each his own. I understand what is meant by this and that is what I like about it. I like to think of the second column along the lines of “living well in grace”. Pick a phrase or term that speaks to your own heart. But the key here is, God wants us to live and do things well, yet none of us are perfect. We can’t bear the weight of perfectionism. We become irritable within ourselves and with others when we are not living in the compassion of unconditional love and grace. How do we live toward what is best and yet not feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders to perform and be perfect? The answer lies in learning to live in God’s unconditional grace and love for each of us. We can aim for what is best, but not feel the sting of a graceless perfectionism. We do this as we learn to live from love and not for love. We do this as we learn to live for God’s glory and the sake of others and not our own. For those who tend toward perfectionism, I think this is a good graphic to think and pray on.