“Do everything for the glory of God” 1 Cor. 10:31
Movies- there are hundreds of them - no thousands of them - forget those two thoughts - I am sure there are millions. I enjoy the distraction and mind presence- occupation of movies. I like the way this medium can be used for education and understanding.
Some have humor and make us laugh so hard we cry. Others are so sad and painful that we weep for the characters. Others have suspense, conflict, drama, action and/or romance. Then there are inspirational historic pictures based on true stories. But here’s an insight.
Many people, and the numbers are increasing, would rather live in a movie’s “fantasy world” than the real world. The real world is filled with disappointments, misunderstandings, and pain. Who needs that? And who wants that?
The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes calls it “hevel.” That Hebrew word is often translated as “vanity” or “meaninglessness.” I don’t believe Ecclesiastes primarily communicates that life has no meaning. Instead, “hevel” indicates that life is random. It can’t be predicted. Good things happen to good and bad people. We all know that just seems strange, but it is true conversely, bad things also happen to good and bad people. You can’t predict the future.
Here’s the challenge: Live each day with hope. Be thankful for the little things in life. Enjoy people. Glorify and acknowledge God in all things. Live your life with passion, whether good, bad, or ugly. The real world isn’t like the movies. It is filled with uncertainties, but that gives life meaning and drives us to depend on a loving God who holds our future, not your favorite movie. God knows what He is doing.