It was amazing to see the 1,700 attendees of Trunk or Treat (who all seemed to descend at once on my station). I observed a few things:
• Some children said “thank-you” without prompting
• Some children said “thank-you” when prompted
• Some children never said a thing
• Some parents said “thank-you”
• Some parents asked for candy, too
• Some parents demanded a certain candy
All got the candy and a smile, regardless of whether their actions seemed worthy. Sort of like how God treats us.
"He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
--Matthew 5:45.
And as I reflected on what had occurred, I realized how I am so like those silent children, who accepted the candy as if they deserved it, and also like the parents who demanded a special treat.
I am undeserving, yet God showers His blessings upon me, too.
Trunk or Treat was a great way to reach out to the community. We have other opportunities ahead, such as the Christmas light show and Garage Sale. Not all who come will be "worthy" of our efforts. But there are gems among them who humble us and remind us that God has blessed us not so that we settle into the comfort of His blessing, but so that we pass it on to others. But here's the amazing thing: when we do, it returns to us many times over.
Two examples of this came from two little boys, whose tenderness touched my heart.
One, upon receiving a sucker and a Snickers, looked in his bag, grabbed the Snickers, and handed it to his Mom behind him with the biggest smile of the night. He was overjoyed to see her happy, even if it cost him a precious piece of candy.
And the other, who wriggled his way through the crowd without his bag, and said, "I came back because I forgot to say, 'thank you.'"
How many times a day do I forget to thank God? Here's to squirming through the clutter of living to face Him, not with hands held out asking for more, but with solemn and sincere thankfulness.