Daily Devotional

Lessons from the Sequoias

by Barbara Zumwalt on July 05, 2024

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

I have fond memories of my youth. Whenever summer came, my parents took my siblings and me on family vacations. We saw the Grand Canyon, spent idyllic days near Lake Huntington, visited friends in Carmel, and toured Tulare.

Yes, Tulare, my Dad’s hometown. I didn’t appreciate it then, probably the combination of summer heat, no AC in the car, three children sticking to the Naugahyde seats.

But after Tulare came the delights of Sequoia National Park.

The trees. The tall trees. The unbelievably HUGE trees. They were awe-inspiring. When I heard the wind sing through the sequoias’ branches, I wondered why they didn’t fall over.

Turns out Sequoias are special. We see them reach heavenward, but they keep their secret to stability hidden. Their roots are not especially deep, but they reach out.

They reach out to other Sequoias and intertwine. Each tree’s roots support not only their own large frames, but also help shore up their fellow trees. They bear each other's burdens.

And together, they grow strong and tall and ever heavenward.

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