“And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”
One summer, my dad, brother and I took a backpacking trip. As we were hiking down the trail, we came across a group of teens and young adults with picks, shovels, and various other pieces of equipment. We asked them what they were doing, and they told us that they were part of a trail maintenance and construction crew. I hadn’t previously thought much about the trails that we were walking on. Yet, after encountering this crew, I started to think more about the path that we were traveling. Without the clearly marked path, we would be lost. We could never enjoy the beautiful scenery or get to where we needed to go. We would eventually run out of food, be stressed and worried, and eventually die.
Likewise, it is entirely possible to get “lost in the woods” spiritually. Leaving God’s path leaves us unclear about where we are going and without the supplies that we need for continued life.
God has revealed a path in His Word and counseled us in the way we should go. He offers us clarity, wisdom, truth, and guidance. Above all, He tells us to trust in His Son, who is the way, the truth, and the life (Jn. 14:6).
Satan would love to lure us off the trail. He falsely promises that the path he has created is the one that will lead to satisfaction, security, and fun. God not only knows better, He loves us immensely and does not want to see us believe the deception of the evil one. Satan would have us be lost, alone, and left for dead in the dark. In contrast, God wants to light up our path and give us clear direction and guidance. It is on the path of God that we truly enjoy the scenery and get to where we need to go.
Living in this fallen world, we are all familiar with sin. We have all wandered from God’s path at times and felt the lostness that comes with that. Jesus instructs us to pray that we would not succumb to the temptations that come our way in this world, but that we instead would be delivered from the evil one. When we pray this prayer we recognize Satan’s power, confess our weaknesses, and ask God for His mighty power to overcome and walk in true freedom.
Lord, thank You that You have all wisdom and that You love me completely. You know the way that I should go in life, so help me to trust You with my whole heart. Help me to see deceptive paths of destruction for what they truly are. Give me a heart of obedience and faithfulness toward You and Your ways. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one.