Daily Devotional

King of Kings

by Harry Ulep on December 04, 2020

“On His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:16

In elementary school, one thing that everyone wanted to be was the leader. Whether that be in the line to go to the playground, in the line for lunch to get the best options, or on a PE team to pick all of your friends. Being the leader meant power and authority, being able to make decisions that other classmates did not get to make. As I grew older, leadership took another role, which meant group projects and teacher’s favorite in classes. They were the people who had influence. They sought to receive the best grades, be the best students, and even be better than their friends. Throughout life, leaders are portrayed in different shapes and forms. Some display great wisdom, some have incredible influence, others have power and authority. These are people we look up to, turn to, and sometimes follow.

As we look upon many leaders that have influenced our lives, there are successes and failures, victories and defeats. But when we turn to Scripture, we see that there is One True King that has all the power, authority, and victory in Him. As we acknowledge this name of God, the King of Kings, we proclaim the incredible power of God, that He is the name above all names. We celebrate the truth that our lives, our fate, our victory and success is confident and assured because of the King of Kings.

During this season, if you are filled with uncertainty, anxiousness, doubts, or burdens, turn to God and seek Him. He desires a close relationship and bond with you, one that brings peace, love, and rest. Today, spend time with God, the King of Kings, and embrace the victory we have in Him.

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