Daily Devotional

Jesus said I AM

by Kristen Lambdin on March 20, 2021

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” 
John 14:6 

Last year in AWANA we learned about the "I Am" statements of Jesus with the kids. The statements Jesus made about Himself in the Bible are key in helping us know who He is. When I introduce myself to someone I normally say “Hi, I am Kristen.” In the same way Jesus used “I Am” as a way to introduce who He is to us.

There are 7 "I Am" statements in the Bible that Jesus used to describe Himself.

  1. I Am the Bread of life. Just like Bread/food is required for our physical life; Jesus is required for our spiritual life.
  2. I Am the Light of the World. Jesus brings light to our lives. He lights up the darkness so we can see how to follow Him.
  3. I Am the Door of the Sheep. There are not many paths or many doors to God. There is a single door to God, and that door is Jesus Himself.
  4. I Am the Resurrection and the Life: Jesus defeated death by dying on the cross and being raised back to life and in the same way He gives us new life in Him. Death is not the final word for those in Christ.
  5. I Am the Good Shepherd: Jesus compares Himself to being a Shepherd in the way He watches over us and will seek out any of us that are lost.
  6. I Am the Way, The Truth, and The Life: Jesus is the only way to God and eternal life, He is the source of all truth and knowledge about God, and He brings us life and purpose for Living.
  7. I Am the Vine: Only when we are connected to Jesus can we bear good fruit.

Through each of these "I Am" statements Jesus reveals Himself as the Savior…the Messiah. These connect Him to the provision and promises of God in the Old Testament. Each “I AM” is an echo of God’s statement to Moses from the burning bush. As Jesus spoke each of these, they were confirmations of His divinity. When someone says, “I am…,” it reveals something about their identity, the core of their being, and what is most important to them. With each of these statements Jesus reveals what is important for us to know about Him.

Jesus is the bread that satisfies our deepest longings. He is the light that shines for us to follow. He is the door into the presence of God. He is the good Shepherd who cares for the people of God. He is our hope of a resurrection. He is the only way to God, the only truth, and the only life. He is the vine through which we experience the power of God.

May the reminder of these "I Am" statements encourage us to worship Jesus for who He is.

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