Daily Devotional

Hungry and Thirsty for God

by Patrice Verhines on August 25, 2020

“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You…”    Psalm 63:1

We had attended an extended family reunion and campout in an area close to “civilization,” but far enough away to be devoid of amenities we take for granted:  running water, electricity, and even (oh my!) internet access.  Unplugging from our usual routine helped to genuinely connect with those we love dearly, yet don’t share enough of our lives with…what a joy!  It takes considerable planning, effort, time and energy for 95 relatives to reconnect, share meals, laugh, love, and simply enjoy the blessing of four generations “being.”  Together.  In community.

Can you see a similarity in this scenario to your relationship with God?  In a world fraught with conveniences and lovely distractions, how do we unplug from it all…from urgent to mundane…and reconnect with our most important family tie, the Source of life itself?  There are people we yearn to see, share good times with, and share their burdens in difficult times.  Do we experience this same closeness and harmony with God?  We yearn for Him, yet our desire wanes.  Marvelous distractions always loom nearby.  How can we align our passions and desires with those God has for us, and mobilize them to make a difference in the lives of others?  Because God doesn’t just desire that we know Him, He expects us to share His love, to be equipped to minister to others.

Hungering and thirsting.  We understand the physical concept well.  Time passes; we hunger and thirst again.  So it is in the spiritual realm.  Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.” (John 6:35).  Could this mean that Jesus expects us to go to Him for spiritual nourishment every bit as faithfully as we show up to satiate our physical hunger? 

Let us nurture our yearnings for God daily with the Bread of Life, reading His word, conversing with Him, asking the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and amend our passions so they align with His.  Then we can confidently act in obedience to His leading.

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