Daily Devotional

God's In Charge

by Stan Kaneko on March 11, 2021

As we begin 2021 it appears that our world, nation, states, counties and cities are in turmoil.  It seems we cannot agree or come to terms about anything.  We are divided politically, socially, racially, and even religiously.  We all want to be right.  After all no one wants to be wrong, and we want others to agree with us.  When they don’t, we argue to try and convince them that we are right and they are wrong.

Even when we believe in the same God we cannot agree.  The manager of my stores is a devote Catholic and when we have discussions about Catholic and Protestant teaching it seems we can never agree on a lot.

In this time of the pandemic, we cannot agree.  With whom do we agree - the governor, the scientists, the doctors?  Do we wear a mask or not wear a mask?

Ours cities and now even the capitol of our nation is filled with violence and destruction. 

It’s very easy to wonder and ask, “why is God letting this happen?”  I believe that God is in total control and we don’t know what His plan is for us, and the world.  We are not God.  He never promised us an easy life; He promised to save our souls.  We sometimes have a difficult time here on earth because we are here on earth; we’re not in heaven where everything is perfect. 

In our Wednesday night Bible study, we are in the book of Proverbs.  It is a book about living a wise life.  It focuses on one’s response and attitude towards God.

Proverbs describes God in the following ways: He is aware of all things; knows the heart of people; He is in control of all things; is a place of safety; rescues good people from danger; condemns the wicked; delights in our prayers; loves those who obey Him; cares for the poor and needy; purifies hearts; and hates evil.

We as His followers should fear and worship Him; to obey His word; to please and trust Him; know that He is in control.

We will undoubtedly not be able to live even close to a perfect life, but we can do our best to live the life God wants us to live, and despite all of our imperfections He still loves us.  So, when we see all the chaos in our world and in our lives, know that God is with us and is in charge. May that give you the peace to love one another despite our differences.

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