Daily Devotional

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

by Jon Hathorn on March 29, 2023

This week, Lincoln Presbyterian Church is having a one week long prayer emphasis – partnering with many churches in Stockton.  It is our hope to have at least one person in prayer every hour of every day this week.  Each Word of Encouragement is around a portion of the Lord’s Prayer.

“Jesus said, ‘I am the Bread of Life.’” – John 6:35

There are several great organizations in the city of Stockton – and one of them is called BREAD OF LIFE. This wonderful organization has a great mission and practice – to provide physical food to families, helping with the need of hunger, but even more to be providing spiritual hope and bread for the souls of people.  They not only give away food, but their intention is to have at every food give away believers who will talk with those coming for food, pray with those coming for food, and providing a hope in Jesus Christ to each person who comes to receive the loaves of bread, canned goods, beverages, fruit and other food staples.

It is amazing to partner with Bread of Life, because they believe that their incredible donations are a gift from God, and that there is incredible joy in simply being a pipeline of God’s goodness through a food ministry. At the beginning of each event, there is prayer thanking God for His provisional donations from local businesses. Just as we need food each day, we need the presence of Jesus Christ, who is called the Bread of Life in John chapter 6.

In the Old Testament, in the book of Exodus, there is an account of God providing manna (or bread) each day.  And each day the manna would be collected – but it was only good for that day.  It would be moldy the next day if they tried to save it, and yet in God’s provision there was a daily supply given the next day. Daily there was a reminder of God’s presence and provisions.

In today’s world, we have so many food saving methods that we it is easy to forget the provisions of God.  When a parents asks his young children, “Where did we get this food?,” their answer probably would be, “the refrigerator” or “the pantry.” That pretty much is a safe and common answer, but if we really think about it – it is not just from the kitchen storage areas, or the grocery stores, the vegetable stands, the farmer’s market, or even the mail order butcher. It is a provision of God Almighty, and we are to be grateful for Him and to Him. Our daily portion is from Him.

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