Daily Devotional

Frequent Flyer

by Jon Hathorn on October 18, 2022

“The Bereans were of more noble character…they examined the Word daily”  Acts 17:11

Many people are a part of Frequent Flyer programs, where individuals gain miles and credit each time they use their credit card. When these people use their cards, they often will say, “I am earning miles today.” Basically, the more a person uses their card, the more they earn credit. 

People use these mileage credits to get free trips, or sometimes these cards have a store from which the cardholder can purchase things. I know many people who have gone on incredible trips all over the world under these programs. 

There is another type of Frequent Flyer program. I heard a speaker once call it “getting our nose in THE BOOK.” Others call it “a moment with God,” “a cup of joe with God in the morning,” “daily devotions,” or “digging into the Word of God.”  Each of these is setting aside time to be with God, be alone with God, and reading the Word of God. Daily is the idea here. 

Taking a moment to just to “Be still and know that He is God” is important. God has gems of encouragement throughout the pages of Scripture, He has promises for us to count on, life lessons of how to live, and the story of God loving His people. 

Just like sleep is a daily habit, and just like eating is a daily habit, spending time with God should be a daily habit. Here’s a couple of ideas in case you need an idea of how to get started. 

Read a chapter of the New Testament every day, and in about six months you will have read the entire 27 books. 

Read one chapter of Proverbs every day and you’ll be finished in one month. 

Read three chapters a day and you’ll finish the whole Bible in about 12 months. 

Regardless of what your plan is, it is clear that not being a Frequent Flyer of the Scriptures leaves us a bit separated from what God has to share with us. 

Here is an example of a promise I learned a long time ago, because of reading the book of Hebrews. In chapter 13 verse 5 it reads, “God said, ‘Never will I leave you and never will I forsake you.’”  That is a cool promise.

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