Daily Devotional

Experiencing Scripture

by Marcos Schultz on June 22, 2024

Today, want to focus on one short verse in a Psalm of David.

I see myself in this one short verse, in which David has much to say with but a handful of words.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; 
in Him my heart trusts, 
and I am helped; 
my heart exults, 
and with my song I give thanks to Him.”
Psalm 28:7

Here is what this verse causes me to reflect on:

God is my strength.
I trust in Him.
He responds.
My heart says in response, “You’re amazing.”
And then I break out in song, thanking Him!
Thankfully, I can say that I have experienced these these truths. Yes, this is Marcos.

How about you? Is God your strength? Do you trust Him? He sees you. He hears you. He responds to your trust in Him. Praise Him deeply from your heart!

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