My brother Todd and my parents had a difficult relationship. They met with a psychiatrist who suggested that their relationship was toxic and advised them to part ways. My parents strongly objected, but Todd felt affirmed and cut off all contact. For about a year and a half, he did not reach out to them. My parents were very hurt. Fortunately, Todd did not cut me off, but I felt the strain during holidays and family gatherings.
When my father enrolled in a hospice program, I convinced Todd and my other two brothers, Eric and Brian, to meet with Dad to say goodbye. We spent five days at the house, sharing quality time together. Mom’s birthday fell during that time, so she felt honored as well.
I mention this because Pastor Rick Warren recently said that the hurt my parents and others feel is like how God feels when we do not communicate with Him. He recommended dusting off the Bible and ensuring we have a quiet time with God. I have several devotionals that I read on my phone each morning, but it’s easy to get distracted by ads that pop up while I queue up the messages. Sometimes, I realize I’ve read all the devotionals without taking the time to pray. It hurts my heart to think that I might be grieving the Holy Spirit when I fail to pray. Perhaps some of you find yourselves in the same situation. Pastor Warren has provided a good analogy about prayer that motivates me to do better. It is a blessing to have a God who loves us and wants to spend time with us.