Daily Devotional

Encourage One Another

by Lise Bachman-Karnes on January 03, 2022

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”   1 Thessalonians 5:11

In 2000 I went from a job where several of my close co-workers were Christians and encouraged each other, to CPS (Child Protective Services). There, it was very different. Many people passed me without speaking and looked extremely stressed. I understood that it was a stressful job. From day one I was thrown into stressful situations, but I determined to be an encourager. I greeted everyone with a smile, learned their names and often commented positively about their clothing, their hair or in some cases their smile. Over time, people began to respond similarly.

Let me explain that the overall environment was anti-Christian. We had a prayer group on Thursdays at lunch and we had to reserve the room as a “support group” which in a way it was. One of the members who was one of the big bosses’ personal secretary, got in trouble for sending Bible verses every morning and reminders about the prayer meetings on the county email system.

A funny thing happened after a few years. A co-worker, about whom there were numerous complaints about inappropriate behavior, stopped me and said he had been watching me interact with people and he knew why I was doing it. He walked off and left me wondering—Did he really? At the very least, he was noticing something positive and that stood out to him.

I developed a great group of friends because of my attitude and we were there to support each other when dealing with these tough situations. All of my close friends were Christians, in fact that is why we were drawn to each other. Wonderful people. One of them prayed each time she entered the courtroom and the encouraged me to remember to do that as well. We need this kind of support and encouragement in our lives because life can be challenging.

Even though I have not worked there in many years, I still keep in touch with some of them and treasure the time we had together. Prayerfully consider how you might be an encourager to those in your life.

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