Daily Devotional

Count Your Blessings

by Justin Linscheid on November 20, 2023

Today I encourage you to take the time to “count your blessings” by doing a brief exercise. Get out a blank piece of paper and write down 50 things that you can be thankful for. I believe that this exercise itself will encourage you. There are so many things that we take for granted and yet we would be so thankful to have if they were not there. May writing this list be a prayer of praise and gratitude to God who provides every good and perfect gift (James 1:17).

 Let me help you get started:

  1. The opportunity to live another day.
  2. A church family.
  3. A God who loves me enough to give His life for me despite my sin.
  4. The promise of eternity in Heaven through faith In Jesus Christ.
  5. A bed to sleep in.
  6. Food that not only provides nutrition for my body but tastes good as well.

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