Daily Devotional

Chains Shall He Break…

by Justin Linscheid on December 22, 2023

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”  John 8:36

Before I became a Christian, I thought I was free. I thought I could essentially do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. It wasn’t until I started trying to follow Christ that I was humbled and confronted by my own limitations. I quickly realized I couldn’t follow Christ by my own strength. I had never realized I had a sin problem before because I had never tried to be free from sin. I was like a delusional person who thought he could win the Boston marathon and yet I hadn’t even run a single lap around a track. It wasn’t until I tried to walk in freedom from sin that I realized I was oppressed by sin.

Jesus declares His mission in Luke 4:18 saying He came to, “proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” If you are a person that realizes sin holds you captive, blind, and oppressed, Jesus has good news for you. He came to set us free.

I love the Christmas song O Holy Night. One line in the song says, “chains shall He break for the slave is our brother.” God is on your side, wanting what is truly best for you, and He is a chain breaking Savior. Share your struggles with Jesus knowing that He is there for you. In Christ, God has made freedom available. We can’t obtain freedom by our own efforts or break the chains of sin that bind us. You can try, but the wisdom of God’s Word tells us it will not work. Call out to Jesus this Christmas and ask Him to help you walk in freedom. This is a gift God wants to give you. I encourage you to accept it by calling out to Jesus and trusting in Him.

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