“The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Corinthians 1:18
Remember those days of going to the beach? You go out, run across the hot sand, spread out your blankets, maybe a box ice chest full of cool snacks and a backpack with your sunscreen and other items. Then you run excitedly to the water’s edge. After playing tag with the incoming waves for a few minutes you slowly venture out into the water. It might take a few minutes to get used to the cold water but in no time at all you are out there frolicking in the waves. It was a simpler time, it was OK to frolic.
After 20 or 30 minutes you’re exhausted and make your way out of the ocean and back up onto the beach. It isn’t until then that you realize that while you were playing and not paying attention you have drifted way down the beach. You’re starting to feel a bit concerned because you aren’t sure if you have drifted to the left or to the right. You start scanning the beach in both directions looking for a landmark that might be familiar. You take your best guess and start walking along the beach till finally you happen to see the bright pink beach umbrella of the people next to your towels. With a big sigh of relief you run back and lay out on your towels in the sun. You’re both excited and thankful to be back home where you belong.
You have just learned how easy it is to be carried away. If you’re not paying attention there are endless opportunities to drift away. The TV and the internet present all sort of interesting enticements. Your job, your circle of friends or social situations influence your life and attitudes. When you wake up one morning, look around and realize you’ve drifted, just remember that, as a Christian, you have a big pink beach umbrella, or in your case an old rugged cross, to guide you back to where you belong.