Daily Devotional

At His Feet

by Jon Hathorn on July 19, 2024

She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. Luke 10:39

Have you ever had a time where you just needed someone to talk to about something? Or maybe you just wanted to talk to someone?  Conversations can be extremely meaningful, and they can be very helpful as well.

There is another incredible thing that I call “the ministry of presence.” This is when someone is just present. This person is there, available. Not so much for conversation but just being a valuable presence and being available.

In the gospel of Luke we read about Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. She had an admiration and appreciation of who Jesus is and a desire to be around Jesus. 

Isn’t it wonderful just being with Jesus? Maybe He will speak to you, maybe He will leave an impression on you, maybe just being quiet will remind you of some truth, sometimes a song runs through your mind and you start singing to Him. 

Jesus is an incredible presence. He is full of joy and encouragement and knows every pain, but He also understands that we are confused, off course and in need of loving correction. He is also full of wisdom, and is never wrong, because He knows everything. Maybe He is just there and maybe He has something to say. Regardless, it is simply wonderful to be with Him.

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