Daily Devotional

ACTS 29 This is Our Story

by Barbara Beasley on June 13, 2020

"Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 28:31

I recently read a commentary on the book of Acts.  The book of Acts ends with Paul in prison preaching the word of God boldly.  There are some who feel that Luke should have continued the story to Paul’s death, making a more complete and final ending.  Others feel that Luke purposely ended the Book of Acts as he did because he wanted us, the church, to know that the story is not over, that we are to continue to be like Paul and preach the Word of God boldly.  Some like to refer to this continuation of the church as Acts chapter 29.  It seems though that throughout the ages each generation has written a new chapter in the story as they have shared the good news of Jesus Christ.  If that’s the case we are way beyond chapter 29.

As we add a new chapter to the story, our chapter is a bit different.  Instead of “they met together and broke bread,” it is “they worshiped in front of a computer and chatted on-line.”  Instead of “they greeted each other with a holy kiss,” it is “they air hugged from six feet apart.”  The past few months have been difficult at times, but also a blessing.  It has caused us to worship differently, study the Bible differently, fellowship together differently.  It has caused us to think outside the box.  I don’t think we will ever completely understand why God allowed this pandemic, but if we were ever in a rut it has surely shaken us out of it.  If the chapters of the story had been getting a bit boring they certainly are not boring now.

As we move forward, may we blend old ways with new ways and continue to think outside the box.   May God be with us as we continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ and may the chapter we are writing bring honor and glory to his name.

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