Daily Devotional

A Left Handed Spatula

by Jon Hathorn on January 05, 2022

"A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22

Many years ago while on a youth trip, a couple of the leaders decided to have a little fun.  Truthfully, I was a youth myself and was laughing - and I probably should have only laughed a little bit.  One of the leaders asked a girl to go and get a left handed spatula, and that if we didn't have one - he would give her some money to go and buy one.  Now, we were in Mexico on a mission trip and this girl did not speak Spanish very well at all.  She tried finding one and finally found a spatula.  She then proceeded to ask everyone if what she was holding was a left handed spatula or a right handed one.  It was pretty funny.  In case you didn't know, there is no such thing as a left handed spatula. All a person needs to do is put the spatula in the other hand and it is an ambidextrous spatula.  Eventually the leader gave the girl a couple of dollars and sent her to the store.  I didn't go and watch, but I really wanted to be there.

That's not the end of the story.  It was the very next day that the same leader spoke to the same girl about needing a "removing screwdriver" because he made a mistake and put a screw in the wrong place.  It was the same situation as she went looking and talking to people about this.  It was pretty funny and many people were laughing. In case you didn't know screwdrivers are ambidextrous as well.  

I love humor and I enjoy a little teasing of people. And I know how easy it is to go too far with humor and hurt someone's feelings.  In this situation, the girl was being picked on and laughed at. I really will never know whether things went too far or not - but I do know it can happen.  I do know that she was not understanding at all, and I am not sure she understood for a long time.

Life is to be enjoyed and laughter is a good medicine.  Smiling takes less facial muscles than frowning.  A joyful heart is relaxing.  Please take the time to have a joyful heart.  Read a funny story.  Look at a comic book.  Appreciate the enthusiasm of a child learning to walk through wobbling.  If something hilarious happens, put on a big grin and let out a belly laugh.  If you see a clever meme, copy and paste it - and send it to me.  I love humor. Above all remember this, "the joy of the Lord is my strength." Nehemiah 8:10

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