Daily Devotional

A different point of view

by Barbara Zumwalt on September 20, 2024

Dogs’ point of view:
These humans: they feed us, they groom us, they offer us shelter -- they must be gods!
Cats’ point of view:
These humans: they feed us, they groom us, they offer us shelter -- we must be gods!

 (Full disclosure: I share my house with a cat. And, yes, she does consider herself my superior.)

Clearly, God loves humor. Jesus said many humorous things, and we know God created in us a greater ability to remember things when we laugh. Scientists who study the brain have noted this correlation between laughter and memory. We generally remember jokes more easily than phone numbers. So, when I think about this joking difference between dogs and cats, I know there is a deeper message for us Christians.

In the points of view from the perspective of both dogs and cats, I see God’s provision. The humans who provide for the critters are generous and kind, giving what is needed regardless of the attitude of those who receive it.

How like God.

And in those same points of view, I see us all – saved and unsaved alike.

We who are saved need to be more doglike in our humility. God provides not because we are worth providing for. God provides because He is good.
And we who are saved need to be more forgiving of those who belittle or persecute or insult or annoy us. Just as the humans provided for those cats who were proud, God still provides for those who are haughty enough to consider themselves better than He is.

“God makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the Unjust.”

— Matthew 5:45.

We are called to emulate Him, and He is as kind to those who think He is God as to those He longs to come around to Him. Through all this, He shows how He yearns to break down the barriers between Him and all humans and call them into His fold.

“The Lord is … not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”
— 2 Peter 3:9.
God’s point of view:
These humans: I feed them, I groom them, I give them shelter. I love them. I am God.

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