Where can I serve at Lincoln?
The following ministries offer a wide variety of serving opportunities at Lincoln. If you would like to pursue a serving position in any of the following areas, please use the contact indicated for each ministry. Thank you for helping to impact our community for eternity.
Children's Ministry
Nursery & Pre-K
Volunteers get the opportunity to shepherd and care for our littlest ones during weekend worship services through singing, dancing and teaching the truth of God’s Word. They greet, check in kids, lead classrooms, provide assistance to classroom teachers and care for babies and toddlers.
Kids Sunday School
Volunteers minister to our 1st-6th graders during weekend worship services through singing with the children, telling stories and teaching the truth of God's Word. They greet, check in kids, lead classrooms, provide assistance to classroom teachers and sing along with the lessons.
Wednesday Night Ministry
Leaders minister to kids K-6th grade during our Wednesday night midweek program. This is done through teaching the truth of God's Word in a small group, and interacting with kids through games and large group time.
Contact: Raquel Perez
Youth Ministry
LSM team volunteers have the opportunity to create relationships with students and minister to them through the teaching of Scripture, worship and intentional discipleship. They greet, check in students, set up events, lead fun games, lead small groups and sing or play in the worship band.
Contact: Josh Imboden
Life Group Leader
Life Group Leader
Our Life Group ministry volunteers have the opportunity to build and foster relationships with others within the church, ministering to them through the teaching of Scripture, and fellowship. They greet, lead studies, open their homes to groups to gather together, and coordinate with our Small Group Coordinator.
Contact: Justin Linscheid
Sunday Team Member
Our Welcome Team Volunteers greet and pass out bulletins to those who walk in the doors of our worship center on Sunday mornings. We use ushers & greeters at both services 9am and 10:45. Ushers also help receive the offering each week and answer any questions visitors may have or help them find a seat.
As part of the Parking Lot Ministry Team volunteers have the opportunity to greet those that come into our parking lot for church on Sunday morning. Rain, shine, heat, or cold, our parking lot volunteers will be there to welcome people to church and watch their cars while our regular attendees and guests can worship worry free.
Our Media Team volunteers have the opportunity to serve those inside and outside the church at the same time! There are 3 distinct roles needed in our media department: Soundboard Technician, Videographer and Presentation coordinator (Words on the Wall, AKA Clicker)
Contact: Megan Worth
Local Outreach
We want people to Discover their Purpose by using their gifts and talents to serve the Lord. If you are interested in volunteering at any of our local outreach events please fill out our volunteer survey below.
Contact: Justin Linscheid
Global Focus (Missions)
Missions trips and service opportunities will be listed here as they become available.
Contact: Jon Hathorn
Other ways to serve
There are so many ways that you can be part of the ministry at Lincoln Presbyterian. If you have an interest or gifting that you would like to utilize, let us know. We know that it is so much easier to make a difference when it's in our "Sweet Spot". Let us know how you would like to serve and we will find a place for you.
Contact: Justin Linscheid