Daily Devotional


by Jon Hathorn on April 05, 2021

Easter Monday Video:

"In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."  I Thessalonians 5:18

Sometimes yesterday was a great memory that we cherish for a long time, and other times yesterday was a bummer and we are glad it is over and we don't need to experience that day again.

When I was growing up, the day after was often a little bit of a let-down. The day after Christmas, the day after my birthday, the day after the Super Bowl, the day after going to the beach, the day after a camping trip, the day after my surgery, etc.  The day and the event I was looking forward to was over, it was done, it happened, it is now in the past. Some of these had huge build ups in my mind and took many hours of planning.  But then it was over.  I had memories and sometimes I even had some token of the celebration.

Well, I would like for you to think about these past couple of days and comparison of the past couple of yesterdays.  On Saturday, yesterday was the crucifixion.  It was a really bad yesterday. Hopes died, a friend died, the disciples questioned their use of time during the previous 3 years.  They asked themselves if they had wasted their time.  Yesterday, meaning Good Friday was just a crummy, lousy, no good day.

But then there was Sunday, an unexpected blessing.  It was a good day!

Now today, we look back and compare that yesterday with Saturday's yesterday.  Yesterday was Easter, Resurrection Sunday, the day that Jesus Christ demonstrated that He had power over death. An absolutely wonderful day, that's what yesterday was and is.  What difference did yesterday make? Hope was restored, life was given, power over death was broken, Jesus Christ was the first-fruits of all who will be raised from the dead.  Yes, yesterday was a good day.  

As you wake up any morning, would you keep one thought cherished in your head and heart.  If it was a good day, thank God for the wonderful memory; and if it was a bummer, not too good, very bad day, thank God it is over. Regardless we can always thank God.

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