Daily Devotional

Would You Like Salt With That?

by Heidi Verheyden on October 20, 2021

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  Psalm 51:10

A breakfast staple in our house is homemade sourdough waffles. Usually, my kids love to help by measuring the ingredients and assembling everything in the bowl.  In our case many hands enjoy being a part of the fun, and it also means a little more to clean up. After all, they are so young and learning a lot about being careful when cooking.  So many great memories!

However, this one specific Saturday morning, I was in a rush to get everything prepared and cooked, actually trying to get it done without them noticing, because we had other plans that day and speed was important. Don’t get me wrong, I love making breakfast with my kids, and every time it is a blast and a special time. It just takes longer and frankly the busy day was already happening. 

So, I pulled out the ingredients hoping to begin making breakfast without the kids noticing. The eggs were mixed, the salt, baking powder and baking soda were in the bowl. I was on my way to grab the coconut oil when I turned around and my two younger kids were on the counter.  They wanted to be a part of it. Totally fine in my mind, since almost everything was in the mix. Well as I walked back, I saw my daughter grab the salt and pour about a half a cup of salt in the batter. "WOW," would be one of the many thoughts in my mind.  I wasn’t thrilled because now I had to start over and this do-over process put us behind in my planning and timing. As I was scraping out the bowl and telling the kids about why we needed to start over, I had a reminder, in my heart, to not be frustrated at my kids for messing up the mix. But instead, I should find joy and laughter in how glad I was that I found out about the salt before we took a bite. 

There are days that do not go as smoothly as we had planned, but if we allow ourselves a chance to pause and pray for a change of heart it will make all the difference. When life is hectic or stressed and not going how we planned - it is a good time to stop and pause.  What a great time to pray that the Lord will direct your day.

Please take a moment to stop and ask God to direct you today.

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