Daily Devotional

When He returns

by Jon Hathorn on January 07, 2025

    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark 13:32 I have a dear friend, and he sends me incredible quotes about living the Christian life. He helps me think more deeply about things, and I am very thankful. Here is the one I received today.
Jonathan Edwards resolution #19: “Resolved, never to do anything I would be afraid to do in the hour of Jesus’ return.”
What a great thought-provoking quote. Let’s think together for a few moments.
Singing in church - yes
Praying - yes
Reading the Word of God - yes
Witnessing to someone - yes
Serving on a mission trip - yes
Those are all pretty obvious.

But what about
Getting a hair cut
Mowing the lawn
Washing the windows
Smiling at a good joke
Playing checkers

I know that it might be embarrassing to be:
Losing my temper
Cutting someone off in traffic
Stretching the truth
Injuring someone intentionally
Cheating at Monopoly

But when I stop and think about it, I need to ask myself, “is it ever the right time to do the things in this final list?” Why would it matter if Jesus was returning. He sees and knows what we are doing no matter when it is.

Let’s live each moment as Jesus is watching, because He always is watching.

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