"King Rehoboam did not listen to the advice from the older men, and he was rude to the people." I Kings 12:13
Noises, color, temperature, emotions and a series of other things often get our attention. For me it is a smell - BBQ, sweets. Whatever gets your attention gets you. This is because we live in a sensory-saturated world. There are a million things trying to grab hold of you. Advertisers are constantly looking for ways for you to consider their product or service. People will bend over backward for you to notice them. Here's a great example, when someone is on a diet, opening the refrigerator door and saying, “I’m just looking” is a really bad idea.
This is probably not new information. So, this is a little wake-up call for all of us. Our time is precious. Be discerning. Determine the values and priorities you live by. Then, choose what is going to grab your attention. Hebrews 3:1 says, “Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest."
This is a good day to remind ourselves that we choose a very large number of things to have our attention. This is done by what we buy and have at our house, what music stations we choose to listen to in our cars, where we shop, and the practices that we have in our daily lives.
Suggestion - buy a little Bible daily flip chart to have on your desk, your bathroom counter, or on your kitchen sink window ledge. Read it each day and take the time to put an interrupted attention focused thought in your day.