Daily Devotional

The Lord Is My Shepherd

by Justin Linscheid on January 23, 2023

This week I want to take a very simple look at Psalm 23. With it being the beginning of the year, it is an appropriate time to think about who/what is driving our lives. When the Lord is your leader and provider, your Good Shepherd, there is good news for you. There is no better Shepherd to have than the God of the Bible. If you are looking for a new direction in life, look no further than the God of the Bible.

I want to point out a few simple reflections from Psalm 23 this week, but I encourage you to reflect on these verses on your own. I trust the Holy Spirit will speak to you through God’s Word as He has to me.

Verse 1 tells us “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.”

This is such a sweet opening line that ushers in peace. Apart from God, our troubled hearts are often full of worry. We wonder, what will life throw at us next? How will we afford to live? What about my unfulfilled desires and longings? What happens if…

This verse reminds us that with the Lord as our Shepherd, we don’t need to fret. We have all that we need. God knows all of our needs before we even ask Him (Mt. 6:8). He is a very attentive, observant, and involved Heavenly Father.

What is something that is weighing heavy on your heart today? Ask God for a heart-felt knowledge that if the Lord is your caregiving Shepherd, you have all that you need in Him. Breathe in that truth and breathe out your stress. God is looking after you and He does not lack a single resource. He provides for little things like our daily bread, great big things like our eternal salvation, and everything in between. No need goes unnoticed by Him and He is capable to supply. If you still feel stressed, perhaps this is a call to patience, further prayer, and surrender. May the truth that you belong to the Lord give you peace.

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